Timeline of notable events within the Society
A royal charter was granted by King Charles II.
After assembling the initial society members the charter that governs the management and administration of the society was drafted.
The Society Charter was ratified by a majority of the initial members, or now called fellows.
James Cook awarded the Copley medal for his paper, giving an account of the method he had taken to preserve the health of the crew of H.M. Ship the Resolution, during her late voyage round the world. Whose communication to the Society was of such importance to the public.
Samuel Hearne proposed several key amendments to the Society charter which were later ratified and became integral parts of overall Society philosophy.
Alexander Gordon Laing is awarded the gold medal for his journey to Timbuktu by way of the north-south route through the Sahara.
Sir James Clark Ross discovered the Ross Sea, Victoria Land, and the volcanoes Mount Erebus and Mount Terror, which were named for the expedition's vessels.
Robert Peary reaches the geographic North Pole with his expedition.
Bill Tilman and three others reach above 27,300 ft (8,320 m) on Mt. Everest. This was the highest summit climbed by man until 1950.
Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa mountaineer Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers confirmed to have reached the summit of Mount Everest. They were part of the ninth British expedition to Everest, led by John Hunt.
The fire at 18 Denmark Place that took the lives of 37 people and caused considerable damage to the building and surrounded buildings destroyed over two hundred years of Society records. A side building on Denmark Place was used as a records storage facility and when records were archived they were sent to this facility. Some of the records were able to be partially restored but many were lost forever.
Council resolution passed to initiate outreach program for expanding member base globally.
Australian Chapter established in Brisbane. The Honorable Edmund Dobbs presiding as Chapter Head.
American Chapter established in Houston, Texas. Sir Charles Gantry presiding as Chapter Head.
South African chapter established in Cape Town. Major William Flaherty presiding as Chapter Head.
Chilean Chapter established in Santiago. Cristobal Diaz Esq. Presiding as Chapter Head.